#Email Marketing

Do you need an enterprise email marketing platform?

June 7th, 2022 — Deciding whether your company needs an enterprise-level email marketing platform calls for the same evaluative steps involved in any software adoption, including a comprehensive self-assessment of your organization’s business needs and resources, staffing, management support,...

Adding Familiarity to Email Marketing

June 20th, 2022 — I never suggest using an email list that is filled with leads that were bought, or using a plain cold email list. The stats on these are abysmal. However I understand that sometimes there is not a choice when the call comes from higher ups. Use this strategy to make the most...

Hosted Email vs Forwarding Email

June 20th, 2022 — With the recent changes to the way GoDaddy handles email I wanted to take a moment to explain the differences between the two email options you have with me so you can better identify what plan is best for you.

Tips for writing a better follow-up email subject line.

April 25th, 2024 — Better follow up is the number one way to instantly increase sales and conversions with minimal effort or investment.